Monday, January 23, 2012

First World Problem

It was my very first blog that I wrote about my series of laptops.
Well the newest one, the one with the WEBCAM, the one that I am ferousioucly typing on right now,
got a virus.

My parental units, told me they would get it fixed.
Well eventually, (four computerless, internetless, no mobile web weeks, no wait not weeks, MONTHS!!!
For godsakes months later.) they did.

And I had my beloved computer back.

Only after they got it fixed did they tell me that mr. computer fixer guy had to get rid of everything on my computer.

When my Anita told me on my ancient phone the devestating news, I teared up.

Phillip tried to make me feel better, and I said "I am going to go in my room and cry for five minutes."

I cried for the photos, depressing poems, small video clips, music, podcasts, programs, memories,
journal entries, games, the scary movie Phillip, Paulina and I had made, all lost to the evil computer virus fairy.

That bitch.

Now I have just discovered another heartbreaking loss, the loss of my webcam software. Fuck.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Someday, I'll have something.
something that no one else will ever have.
And it'll, well it'll be special.
To me at least.
It will be special to me.
Now i am not saying anyone will be jealous of it
or that anyone else will ever know it's special.
But I know it will be and for now that is enough.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012: 10 Things I Am Looking Forward to Before the World Ends!

1. HUNGER GAMES MOVIE! I have watched the trailer a lot and cannot wait for it to come out! Bad-ass!

2. Going back to school! I took a semester off because of financial reasons, now I get to go back!

3. Performing! Acting! Another part of going back to school, for me anyways. Getting a summer contract goes along with this too.

4.Moving out of my shitty apartment.

5. Getting internet for the shit apartment

6. Using my Mom's kick-ass new really nice camera!

7. My little buddy Garin's 1st birthday!

8. New books! for my nook. or my shelves, I am okay with either.

9. Finally doing the ridic long craft list, now we have a reason and a purpose!

And that brings me to number 

10. Weddings! So that means I get to buy a lot of new dresses and be fancy on a few separate occasions. 

 Here's hoping I can find dates. Oh and I don't actually think the world is going to end.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I am starting this again!

Happy Christmas Eve!

I started this blog last December and my goal was to do one post a week, well I didn't do that so I am going to try and do it in 2012!

Wish me luck, random strangers.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bitchen' Birthday Blog

Ever since I have moved out of my parent's house, my birthdays have been sour and sweet.

All I remember about my 20th birthday is that I got sent flowers from my lover in Kentucky (ha ha) and that I talked to my mom on the phone and when she told me she wasn't coming over I cried on the kitchen floor. A bit dramatic and immature I know, and I don't even remember if I had any fun that birthday at all!


For my 21st birthday, I wanted to do the wine trail with my friends and parents.

Nope, I don't remember why we didn't, but we didn't. I had a great time otherwise the night before we had a lady gaga party,  I ended up waiting for Phillip to get home because we had the best costumes and I needed to take pictures with him!

Phillip's costume was made of his old shower curtain, 3D glasses, an old blazer and a fashion magazine.
Mine was made of an old Halloween costume, toilet paper rolls, lots of toole, beads, construction paper, and lots of hot glue.

He was at auditions, by the time he got home everyone was passed out in MY bed. We took pictures and then slept in his mattress on the floor, we soon threw away that mattress because it was gross.

I woke up and everyone was awake so I locked myself in my room and slept more because I was pissed! Then Phillip and Kayla made me breakfast and brought me a huge ceramic fish, that now sits in my bathroom My parents came over with my Toy Story cake, home-made wine, and a new laptop.

Sarah with said fish and said breakfast in said bed.
That night I  got real drunk, my best friend(Phillip) got beat up in a parking lot while I was dancing slutty with strangers, I rode home with people I didn't know, and passed out on the stairs outside of my apartment before puking up my Green Dragons.

Getting said drunk.
I am now 22 and am going to share bits about my latest birthday adventure....

This year what I wanted to do for my very mature 22nd birthday was spend the day before my birthday with my friends at the St Louis zoo and the City Museum and possibly going out and getting a much classier drunk than I did last year.

That is what I wanted to do, Phillip had to opt out because he had auditions and work ( and that stuff is more important than my birthday, I guess), Robert just sucks and forgot to ask off, Paulina remembered and so did Kayla. My parents also wanted in on the fun.

I did not go to St. Louis for my birthday. I did get to spend the last half of the day at Von Jakob and Blue Sky winery. They are both real awesome. 

My parents, Paulina, Jared, Kayla, Lauren, her friend Eric and myself all spent a lovely afternoon together. Some strange news that I sort of knew was drunkenly dropped on me. It was a bit shocking, but it's been dealt with now and I feel much better about it.

The day was nice, the wine and food was wonderful, I got money, it was a good day.

A lady in the bathroom of Blue Sky was staring at my insulin pump, so I asked her if she wanted to know what it was and she said "Nope" and I said "Fine!" What I should have said was "Fine, stop staring!" I didn't do that though, the last thing I need is to be black listed from a winery.

Maybe for my 23rd birthday I will get to have my day in STL...I hope.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dear Ceiling Fan

A blog inspired by random ridiculousness with Kayla K.

Dear Ceiling Fan/Feminism

Please send me a heterosexual man, not bi, just plain old straight.
Please make sure all his parts are in working order and can get the job done.
Please let him love musicals too, but remember still straight.
Make him a lot like the people who I already hang out with, but you know.
Oh and my mom would like for him to be tall, so when I have kids they will be of average height, instead of being short, like myself.
It would be nice if he had an accent, like British or Australian, yes that would be lovely.
I think that's all I really need, I mean I could ask for more, but I won't.

Amen and like whatever and shit.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Almost Optimistic

I just took a sleeping pill, and I am about to curls up on my best friend's boyfriend's tiny couch.

Life has gotten the better of me recently in some very interesting ways, some really shitty things have happened, could happen and are currently happening.

But right now, I am really content. I am at peace and looking forward to the future, hopefully these feelings last a while.

I get the feeling they might.